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Written at Tuesday, 29 May 2012 | back to top

with the name of Allah,

oklah..to dear readers(if theres any).. right now im gonna tell you about a little guy, named Poonam(sempena nama org Hindustan.hoho),
lol.. Poonam is our cat.. WAS our cat.. and you want to know why we dont want him(kah her i dont know) is because..........................

tadi pagi.. baru jak mau cuci kain, terHIDU something .... UeRK!
omg.. its a p.o.o.p! terus teriak.. Umi! Poonam berak lagi!.. pastu umi reply." itulah kucing tu.. tidak pandai-pandai berak how a cat should poop.. mau jugak berak dalam rumah.."
Then, siapa yang kena? harap kakak, hoi.. no way man. Adik? adik dah chow awal2 lagi sdh pigi rumah atok semalam ..(maklumlah cuti. Jadi mengisi kebosanan dgn hanging out with the other cousins).. So its up to me then to clean p.o.o.p tersebut.. sob,sob sedihkan? :P mintapujilah pula...
  After cuci tu, pigi sarapanlah.. then SUDDENLY, nampak c Poonam.. and you know what i said to him?
"Anti Poonam! you are grounded and forbidden to enter this house for a WHOLE DAY!" tapi, hehe..
pun bagaimana walau..kucing tetap kucing..faham kah tidak dorang masuk jak kalau sudah terbiasa.. KECUALILAH we all close the doors and dont give a chance to him to enter and poop around.. YEAH~
Unfotunately dear Iyan, its daylight.. its weird for you to shut up everything... so..Sabar jak..ok?

Poonam ni juga sebenarnya ada mama.. Then i think, kalaulah mama dia ni ajar anak dia di mana tempat yang betul utk 'landing'kan taik dia yg hangat2 tu.. kan BAGUS~ Tapi... entahlah. dunia haiwan dan dunia manusia berlainan.. Tambah-tambah lagi.. sekarang ni pun mama dia Jandi,( sempena nama org korea..hehe) sedang mengandung.. Nanti apalah mau jadi kalau makin banyak kilang2 pembuangan apa tu..hmm ya P.O.O.P...
 Appuda... sy pun tidak tau lagi~

Well, lets all blame poop here. Because of you, me and Poonam are enemies.
p/s: POOP also landed at my mom's cloth just then.. So, Poonam sleeps outside tonight.. I hope no more poop landing after this....  still im sorry Poonam. Its for your own good..
sleep tight,
Poonam the   cat  that always poop around the house:))