with the name of Allah,
ekk, ginilah suasana di belakang rumah saya suasana yang tenangkan? |
yah, for this lovely moment, and for this lovely day.. haha, i'll write something that i think i wanted to do it for a LONG TIME a go...
ok..here it goes,
I know that i was getting older and older, i said "hey iyan, are you really growing up? it seems like you haven't yet..." hmmmmm i sigh to myself.
Why is it I said that? Because, the more i get older, the more mistakes that i've done. Come to think of it.., yes i did SO MANY wrongs.. So i said again, "You cant keep doing mistakes Iyan, you've got to CHANGE man! Starting from when? Oh yeah, RIGHT NOW....."
Selama ini, mungkin kau telah buat banyak kesalahan, banyak dosa.. dan kini, bila kau sudah sedar, sudah IN YOUR SENSES,.. Jangan lagi ulang, jangan lagi buat kesalahan tu, bertaubatlah.. InsyaAllah kan Iyan, kau boleh tu..
Allah suka tau orang yang bertaubat.. Buatlah betul..betul. Kalau mau berubah kan, mesti istiqamah, sabar banyak-banyak, lupakan masa yang silam dan jadikan pengajaran bagi kau.. Tidak susah tu, you just put all of your passion and effort plus doa, inside your head and in that little heart of yours.. Keep that in mind.. Because anytime, Allah will open that heart.. to be really change from bad to good..
Iyan, you can do it.. I know you can.
there's no problem for changing,
girl, just don't you quit on doing it