with the name of Allah,
ok..oklah Hi again,
based on the tittle, i dont know what to say, for now i mean.. Basicly i dont know what to write?
hmm yeah, how about i tell you about my dear old memories.. let's go back in time when i was still that what do they call it, oh yeah, NAUGHTY kid~ kamu tak tahu.. sbenarnya sy yg paling nakal dikalangan adik beradik saya nie..
- some EXAMPLE: time hujung minggu, you wouldn't find me anywhere at home, because.. saya sudah chow awal2 pigi main dgn jiran-jiran sebelah.. main kejar-kejar di bawah tanpa selipar. Then see what happens, habis bekurap kaki..sikit jaklah.. Alhamdulillah, kurap tu sdh hilang dulu lah
- tidak mau berkongsi benda dengan adik beradik... (eh, ini bukan lagi naughty nie, Ini JaHAT sudah) asal jak adik minta warna, cerewet mula melanda.. menangispun ada. Lalu menyerah kalah juga akibat tangisan adikku yang terlalu ingin warna kayu itu... Huh~ kesian adik,... sharing sikitpun saya tidak mau.
- Berlari -lari dalam rumah.. macamlah ada trek sana.. I run like back and foward, back and forward.. Touch pintu depan lari pigi touch pintu belakang.. Macam apa jak.. Tapi, boleh tahan..banyak stamina ma~
- buat bising sampai bapa terbangun. Habis kena marah.. Fuyoo!
- banyak lagilah... perkara budak..budak macam SAYA ni buat.. you dont need to know about it..

So, as a nutshell (sehh tiba-tiba buat conclusion) im very much diffferent back then rather than i am now.. I change a lot. (tapi sebenarnya masih kuat main dengan kawan-kawan..Gila-gila nakal-nakal lagi tue) Tapi yang bestkan time budak budak dulu.. tiada juga stress stress mau study, boleh main apa sahaja yang heart desire, selalu kena belanja, boleh diangkat bapa...banyak lagilah.. It's just life.. and we must go on~
To childhood memories,
i miss you~
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pasal Benda tue..
with the name of Allah,
oklah..to dear readers(if theres any).. right now im gonna tell you about a little guy, named Poonam(sempena nama org Hindustan.hoho),
lol.. Poonam is our cat.. WAS our cat.. and you want to know why we dont want him(kah her i dont know) is because..........................
tadi pagi.. baru jak mau cuci kain, terHIDU something .... UeRK!
omg.. its a p.o.o.p! terus teriak.. Umi! Poonam berak lagi!.. pastu umi reply." itulah kucing tu.. tidak pandai-pandai berak how a cat should poop.. mau jugak berak dalam rumah.."
Then, siapa yang kena? harap kakak, hoi.. no way man. Adik? adik dah chow awal2 lagi sdh pigi rumah atok semalam ..(maklumlah cuti. Jadi mengisi kebosanan dgn hanging out with the other cousins).. So its up to me then to clean p.o.o.p tersebut.. sob,sob sedihkan? :P mintapujilah pula...
After cuci tu, pigi sarapanlah.. then SUDDENLY, nampak c Poonam.. and you know what i said to him?
"Anti Poonam! you are grounded and forbidden to enter this house for a WHOLE DAY!" tapi, hehe..
pun bagaimana walau..kucing tetap kucing..faham kah tidak dorang masuk jak kalau sudah terbiasa.. KECUALILAH we all close the doors and dont give a chance to him to enter and poop around.. YEAH~
Unfotunately dear Iyan, its daylight.. its weird for you to shut up everything... so..Sabar jak..ok?
Poonam ni juga sebenarnya ada mama.. Then i think, kalaulah mama dia ni ajar anak dia di mana tempat yang betul utk 'landing'kan taik dia yg hangat2 tu.. kan BAGUS~ Tapi... entahlah. dunia haiwan dan dunia manusia berlainan.. Tambah-tambah lagi.. sekarang ni pun mama dia Jandi,( sempena nama org korea..hehe) sedang mengandung.. Nanti apalah mau jadi kalau makin banyak kilang2 pembuangan apa tu..hmm ya P.O.O.P...
Appuda... sy pun tidak tau lagi~
Well, lets all blame poop here. Because of you, me and Poonam are enemies.
p/s: POOP also landed at my mom's cloth just then.. So, Poonam sleeps outside tonight.. I hope no more poop landing after this.... still im sorry Poonam. Its for your own good..
sleep tight,
Poonam the cat that always poop around the house:))

buddies like forever~
with the name of Allah,
so here i go again,... writing words.(of course) but only for a little while.
Before i go not blogging, i want to tell you about this friend.. My BEST F.R.I.E.N.D..
we start knowing each other since 3 years ago.. that is at boarding school! hurra to me..
ok..ok..dont get exited. At first, we quite dont know that well..We just like, hi! bye! how are you?..
like that friend. So, thats not a best friend.. right? still just another person that you know only the name, age, and gender? lol.
So...as times go by, we are Form2 kids.. and fate, fate did make us in one class.. that year.
And starting last year, we got to know more, learn a lot from each other and PUFF! we are best buddies!!
say Alhamdulillah. I thank Allah for that~
we share feelings, we played CRAZILY together, and all bunch of stuff a teenager like us would do..(u know what i mean).. not only both of us, but all of our friends too :) Its good when you reminisce the memories back..
then comes year 2012, fate again separate us.. :( shes at another class and im at another class.. but its a good thing that our class aren't that far. Cuz i can visit her during recess or anytime we are free..
And now, we are still doing happy and sometimes crazy things together. hee~
Btw, shes one of the reason why i made up my mind and made a blog myself.. So Blame her ok?
haha... if only you read this kid, i hope you're smiling right now.. or just tersengih-sengih..
And kid, im so grateful for having you as a friend and for having you in mylife..
Alhamdulillah i say, for US untill today~
Thanks FAB:)

dalam diam
With the name of Allah
tadi pagi.. saya buat salah. Satu kesalahan yg sy telah buat berulang2 kali....
rasanya orang tidak kisah.. tapi Tuhan? Tuhan memang tahupun.. tapi sedih. dah buat salah, saya buat lagi.
dengan umur 15 tahun ni, sy sdh tahu..sdh jelas yang sy buat itu satu perbuatan yang sungguh..
tapi.. manusia yang lemah yang lalai macam sayani susah untuk sedarkan diri..
Hey! wake up iyan.. bertaubatlah.. sbelum semuanya terlambat. Jangan kau menyesal bila pintu itu sdh tertutup,
baru mau menangis menyesal, baru mau bertaubat.. TIDAK. sorrylah...
Demi masa, sungguh manusia dalam kerugian yang besar kecuali orang2 yang beriman~
Jadi, berusahalah untuk memperbaiki diri.. JANGAN ulangi lagi..
Bertaubatlah betul2... Sesungguhnya Allah suka orang2 yang taubat nasuha~
can do it

to little me
with the name of Allah,
so hi then.. i think im in a sad mood right now cuz.. i cant open my FIRST blog that i made just last night. or
maybe im just the one that is noob. Hmm there's so many things that i have to learn.. about this.. technology
so i end up making a new one.. Well life as it is if you dont have any knowledge for something, than dont even
dare to try.. It just makes it worse.. I mean you've got to have guidance. And ASK people.
yeah~ let that be a lesson.. FOR ME.

with the name of Allah,
ok..oklah Hi again,
based on the tittle, i dont know what to say, for now i mean.. Basicly i dont know what to write?
hmm yeah, how about i tell you about my dear old memories.. let's go back in time when i was still that what do they call it, oh yeah, NAUGHTY kid~ kamu tak tahu.. sbenarnya sy yg paling nakal dikalangan adik beradik saya nie..
- some EXAMPLE: time hujung minggu, you wouldn't find me anywhere at home, because.. saya sudah chow awal2 pigi main dgn jiran-jiran sebelah.. main kejar-kejar di bawah tanpa selipar. Then see what happens, habis bekurap kaki..sikit jaklah.. Alhamdulillah, kurap tu sdh hilang dulu lah
- tidak mau berkongsi benda dengan adik beradik... (eh, ini bukan lagi naughty nie, Ini JaHAT sudah) asal jak adik minta warna, cerewet mula melanda.. menangispun ada. Lalu menyerah kalah juga akibat tangisan adikku yang terlalu ingin warna kayu itu... Huh~ kesian adik,... sharing sikitpun saya tidak mau.
- Berlari -lari dalam rumah.. macamlah ada trek sana.. I run like back and foward, back and forward.. Touch pintu depan lari pigi touch pintu belakang.. Macam apa jak.. Tapi, boleh tahan..banyak stamina ma~
- buat bising sampai bapa terbangun. Habis kena marah.. Fuyoo!
- banyak lagilah... perkara budak..budak macam SAYA ni buat.. you dont need to know about it..

So, as a nutshell (sehh tiba-tiba buat conclusion) im very much diffferent back then rather than i am now.. I change a lot. (tapi sebenarnya masih kuat main dengan kawan-kawan..Gila-gila nakal-nakal lagi tue) Tapi yang bestkan time budak budak dulu.. tiada juga stress stress mau study, boleh main apa sahaja yang heart desire, selalu kena belanja, boleh diangkat bapa...banyak lagilah.. It's just life.. and we must go on~
To childhood memories,
i miss you~
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pasal Benda tue..
with the name of Allah,
oklah..to dear readers(if theres any).. right now im gonna tell you about a little guy, named Poonam(sempena nama org Hindustan.hoho),
lol.. Poonam is our cat.. WAS our cat.. and you want to know why we dont want him(kah her i dont know) is because..........................
tadi pagi.. baru jak mau cuci kain, terHIDU something .... UeRK!
omg.. its a p.o.o.p! terus teriak.. Umi! Poonam berak lagi!.. pastu umi reply." itulah kucing tu.. tidak pandai-pandai berak how a cat should poop.. mau jugak berak dalam rumah.."
Then, siapa yang kena? harap kakak, hoi.. no way man. Adik? adik dah chow awal2 lagi sdh pigi rumah atok semalam ..(maklumlah cuti. Jadi mengisi kebosanan dgn hanging out with the other cousins).. So its up to me then to clean p.o.o.p tersebut.. sob,sob sedihkan? :P mintapujilah pula...
After cuci tu, pigi sarapanlah.. then SUDDENLY, nampak c Poonam.. and you know what i said to him?
"Anti Poonam! you are grounded and forbidden to enter this house for a WHOLE DAY!" tapi, hehe..
pun bagaimana walau..kucing tetap kucing..faham kah tidak dorang masuk jak kalau sudah terbiasa.. KECUALILAH we all close the doors and dont give a chance to him to enter and poop around.. YEAH~
Unfotunately dear Iyan, its daylight.. its weird for you to shut up everything... so..Sabar jak..ok?
Poonam ni juga sebenarnya ada mama.. Then i think, kalaulah mama dia ni ajar anak dia di mana tempat yang betul utk 'landing'kan taik dia yg hangat2 tu.. kan BAGUS~ Tapi... entahlah. dunia haiwan dan dunia manusia berlainan.. Tambah-tambah lagi.. sekarang ni pun mama dia Jandi,( sempena nama org korea..hehe) sedang mengandung.. Nanti apalah mau jadi kalau makin banyak kilang2 pembuangan apa tu..hmm ya P.O.O.P...
Appuda... sy pun tidak tau lagi~
Well, lets all blame poop here. Because of you, me and Poonam are enemies.
p/s: POOP also landed at my mom's cloth just then.. So, Poonam sleeps outside tonight.. I hope no more poop landing after this.... still im sorry Poonam. Its for your own good..
sleep tight,
Poonam the cat that always poop around the house:))

buddies like forever~
with the name of Allah,
so here i go again,... writing words.(of course) but only for a little while.
Before i go not blogging, i want to tell you about this friend.. My BEST F.R.I.E.N.D..
we start knowing each other since 3 years ago.. that is at boarding school! hurra to me..
ok..ok..dont get exited. At first, we quite dont know that well..We just like, hi! bye! how are you?..
like that friend. So, thats not a best friend.. right? still just another person that you know only the name, age, and gender? lol.
So...as times go by, we are Form2 kids.. and fate, fate did make us in one class.. that year.
And starting last year, we got to know more, learn a lot from each other and PUFF! we are best buddies!!
say Alhamdulillah. I thank Allah for that~
we share feelings, we played CRAZILY together, and all bunch of stuff a teenager like us would do..(u know what i mean).. not only both of us, but all of our friends too :) Its good when you reminisce the memories back..
then comes year 2012, fate again separate us.. :( shes at another class and im at another class.. but its a good thing that our class aren't that far. Cuz i can visit her during recess or anytime we are free..
And now, we are still doing happy and sometimes crazy things together. hee~
Btw, shes one of the reason why i made up my mind and made a blog myself.. So Blame her ok?
haha... if only you read this kid, i hope you're smiling right now.. or just tersengih-sengih..
And kid, im so grateful for having you as a friend and for having you in mylife..
Alhamdulillah i say, for US untill today~
Thanks FAB:)

dalam diam
With the name of Allah
tadi pagi.. saya buat salah. Satu kesalahan yg sy telah buat berulang2 kali....
rasanya orang tidak kisah.. tapi Tuhan? Tuhan memang tahupun.. tapi sedih. dah buat salah, saya buat lagi.
dengan umur 15 tahun ni, sy sdh tahu..sdh jelas yang sy buat itu satu perbuatan yang sungguh..
tapi.. manusia yang lemah yang lalai macam sayani susah untuk sedarkan diri..
Hey! wake up iyan.. bertaubatlah.. sbelum semuanya terlambat. Jangan kau menyesal bila pintu itu sdh tertutup,
baru mau menangis menyesal, baru mau bertaubat.. TIDAK. sorrylah...
Demi masa, sungguh manusia dalam kerugian yang besar kecuali orang2 yang beriman~
Jadi, berusahalah untuk memperbaiki diri.. JANGAN ulangi lagi..
Bertaubatlah betul2... Sesungguhnya Allah suka orang2 yang taubat nasuha~
can do it

to little me
with the name of Allah,
so hi then.. i think im in a sad mood right now cuz.. i cant open my FIRST blog that i made just last night. or
maybe im just the one that is noob. Hmm there's so many things that i have to learn.. about this.. technology
so i end up making a new one.. Well life as it is if you dont have any knowledge for something, than dont even
dare to try.. It just makes it worse.. I mean you've got to have guidance. And ASK people.
yeah~ let that be a lesson.. FOR ME.